Near Madhepura Degree College Ward 2, Madhepura, Bihar
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Near Madhepura Degree College Ward 2, Madhepura, Bihar
As per CBSE following Committees are formed at CVM School Madhepura
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive, behavior among school aged children that involves real or perceived power intolerance.
The CBSE has termed bullying in schools as critical. Bullying has serious detrimental effects on those who are bullied. The effects can be immediate. They can also be long-term and cause lifelong damage.
To deal with the predicament of bullying the school has constituted a committee to look into any incident of bullying. The committee is authorized to take appropriate measure to deal with concerns related to bullying.
In every bullying situation, there are typically three key parties-the victim, the bully/bullies and the bystanders, who are aware of bullying. Each of these three parties is affected negatively by bullying.
According to the CBSE circular no.: Acad.-17/2015 (CBSE/Acad/Dir(Arti)/2015) dated 9th March 2015, bullying can be directly from the bully to the victim(e.g., through physical intimidation or attacks, verbal abuse, unwanted attention and advances, damaging property), or it can be indirect (e.g., through spreading malicious rumors).
It can also include cyber-bullying (e.g., sending unpleasant messages, photographs, and emails, to the victim or others).
The Anti-Bullying Committee at CVM, Madhepura comprises the following members:
Grievance Redressal Officer
Contact: 0123 4567 89
Email Id: memberid@gmail.com
(Complaint Committee)
All children have as equal right to access education in an environment that is safe, protective and conducive to the overall development. The challenges of gender inequality, eve-teasing and sexual abuse in school environment call for increased awareness and creating synergy among parents, teachers and school.
In order to ensure strict compliance of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Committee (POCSO) Act 2012, CBSE has taken several initiatives and actions for creating awareness about sexual exploitation among school children.
The committee will take appropriate and necessary action on reported cases of misbehaviors of sexual offences in the school premises.
The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Committee (POCSO) re-constituted as under for the session 2024-25:
Head of Complaint Committee
Contact: 0123 4567 89
Email Id: headnameid@gmail.com
We also conduct various “Gender sensitization” programmes, adolescence related programs and special activities from time to time:
Gender Sensitization workshop is being conducted on a monthly basis where Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) act is discussed. The teachers are trained to attend to adolescence related issues. They are primarily made aware to notice the behavior pattern of children. This particularly includes close monitoring of academic performance and psychological behavior, categorically in cases of sudden decline in performance, lack of interest, depression, aloofness etc. The teachers are educated on how to counsel a child if they notice such behavior pattern. They are also well trained to talk to parents on the subject of child sexual abuse from time to time.
(Protection from Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace)
To deal with complaints of sexual harassment of female employees of the School in light of letter no. CBSE/Aff./Harassment/2001/8866-11258 dated 16.7.2001 and Circular No. F.DE.15/Act-I/Vishakha Guidelines/2014/ 25342-47 dated 28.7.2014.
The purpose of this committee is to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or incidental there to.
The Presiding Officer and every Member of the Internal Committee shall hold office for such period, not exceeding three years, from the date of nomination
The following committee members are appointed under section 4 of this Act:
Internal Complaint Committee (Women) officer
Ms. Committee officer
Contact: 0123 4567 89
Email Id: Committeeofficerid@gmail.com
Near Madhepura degree college ward 2 madhepura, Madhepura, India, Bihar